Thursday 26 January 2012


AFKL - Anime Fiesta Kuala Lumpur. The biggest piece of BS I have ever heard of.


My mother bought me three of the Superpass-es as thanks for helping her transcribe her audio file thingy. Cost her RM158 in total (plus the shipping fees).

I was so excited. My heart was fluttering, and my eyes were sparkling for three days straight. But for some reason... something didn't feel quite right.

Now, from the beginning, I had suspicious feelings towards this event. With it's outrageous claims about bringing Hatsune Miku and whatnot, it didn't seem very realistic... However, I brushed the suspicions away.

I was never interested in the Miku concert because although I am a vocaloid fan, I'm not very much into concerts. That's why I didn't pay attention to the ticket prices for the concert. The only thing I did pay attention to was to the Superpass.

What attracted me to the event was the fact that they were using 4 halls at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC). That made me very much excited, because I went to last year's Comic Fiesta which had 2 halls. Imagine what it would be like with double of that?! 

And so, I was blinded by their false claim.

I believed. I hoped and held faith. But now... my dreams... everything...crushed.

Fck you, scammers. FCK YOU. 凸(`⌒´メ)凸

For more information about the scam thing, here are a few sites:


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