Wednesday 17 October 2012


I'm back!

It has been too long. But after all efforts, my PMR exams are finally over! Though, it didn't quite end with a huge BANG! Rather, a 'now what?' sort of feel settled in me. 

The last day of the exam went on fine, but I caught a flu and spent the whole day yesterday wrapped in my duvet, either watching whatever was on TV like a zombie or sleeping. 

That's right, I'm sick.

Despite that, I made it clear to myself that I had to attend school today since we're supposed to pass our textbooks up in order to get next year's textbooks. I slept in a little bit, but THAT DID NOT STOP ME. WHAHAHA. 

My most awesome-st brain function perfectly even with its condition and forked up a brilliant plan to avoid getting me punished for coming in late. The plan was to get myself a slip from a doctor from the neighbourhood clinic and slide in without a disturbance. 

It didn't work out, unfortunately, because the clinic were either closed or the doctor has yet to show up at the time. So, I, with no other choice, decided to blast into school anyways and try to chalk up some sympathy from whoever was in charge. 

That wasn't necessary as my throat did it for me without having to fake it. The guards were very sweet and understanding and I managed to slide in LIKE A BOSS.

After that I alternated between being fully conscious to somewhat dizzy to I-can't-even focus-my-eyes-anymore. 
Thankfully, there was nothing a good ol' breather and sitting down for a moment won't fix. My grade had to divide into groups, build a fire and bake/smoke/boil food. This was a blast. I particularly like the boiled bananas and baked sweet potatoes.

After that, my whole body reeked of smoke and I feel like it's going to take a while before my lungs are totally clean. 

 Enough about that. Back to the good news!

PMR's over. And I AM BACK! 


1 comment:

  1. i really liked the little pictures on this one (:
