Tuesday 5 June 2012

Holidays are ending :[

The new semester's going to begin this Monday. I'm quite crestfallen that it's ending too quickly, but I'm anxious to begin again - this time, I'm determined to not speak to anyone once the teacher starts talking. That means you too, Fafrina. ( = 3 = )

Hey, desperate times calls for desperate measures. I'm not very good at splitting my already short attention span, so it's important I make sure I understand each subject.

My grandparents are in the house - they're here to look after me and my sister since my mom got a new job and the maid's gone. I'm feeling a bit guilty for neglecting my duties to entertain their time, but what can I do? I'm getting more and more busy each passing day as I cram all sorts of info into my brain.

Yes, I'm finally starting to follow my study schedule. I'm hoping with time and great discipline, I would be able to catch up to where the smart students are. That also means you too, Fafrina. Musheeroom, if you're reading, I'm taking up your mom's challenge at being your competition in the academics field. I'll prove to be a potent opponent, I'll make sure of that so that one day, we could be sent of to Japan on the school exchange program.

Studying proves to be much easier when there's nothing to distract or pressure me. I dislike when people poke and force me to go read a book, so when I have the freedom of choice to study by my own will, it's much less of a burden. Also, a clean environment helps a lot.

Speaking of cleaning, I'm almost done with the cleaning of my room - which is quiet a huge surprise. Thanks to new storage space, I'm able to keep all my prized possessions without having it clutter my room.

Also! I'm taking up the Drawing Challenge from here.

Here's Day 1.


  1. I enjoy your writing, you are very well written. Also you draw, which is cool because i do as well. I would love to fallow your blog, but i can't seem to find the fallow button, ha i'm probably just being blind. Well keep up the work ^_^

    1. Thank you, and I am sorry for replying so late.
      The follow button is down below - but you probably already know that, huh?
      Well, anyways. Thank you for following! I will do my best to not disappoint! :)
