Sunday, 3 June 2012

No Internet all day

The computer in my house is going whack. So's the Internet connection. 

So today, I mainly doodled, read and wrote my second Hetalia fanfic. (Not finished yet, though! ><) 

Here are the lazy sketches. I'm getting more used to the pen, so it looks better than my previous doodles.


I made a more wild-haired version of the girl here:

 Which version do you like better?



  1. you're good at this!!!~~

    i like the wild hair one more~ more character to your drawing~~~ x3~~~

    1. Ahaha, thanks. (〃・・〃)

      You think so? My lil' sis said that she liked that one better too. You don't think it's a bit too messy?
