Thursday 6 October 2011

Dedicated to you, comrade.

You traitor...

I know you’ve been moving from one place to another your whole life.
I know.
But still,
You can’t do it again.

Reality is hard,
I know.
But I will never accept the fact that you’re going away.

We’ve been together for four years.
Please don’t leave me.
Don’t leave us.

Stay and be weird with us.
Can’t you see that if you leave,
We might never meet again.

This may sound a bit dramatic,
But it’s true.

I don’t know how to maintain a long-distance relationship.
I can’t.
So if you leave, things will never be the same.

We laughed.
We cried (well, mostly me cuz I’m soooo sensitive :p [sarcasm intended])
We took nothing seriously.

We fought, argued, tried to kill each other with stupid comebacks.
Then, made up like nothing happened.

When you leave, what will we do?
What will I do?

Am I supposed to pretend that all this never happened?
That we all were just a memoir from the past?

Don't act like nothing's happening.

You know that you'll be leaving us.
Yet you act like everything is normal.
Like nothing is wrong.

Still smiling and laughing and fighting with me like everything's alright.
Are you putting up an act?
Deep down inside,
Don't you at least feel the tiniest bit sad?

I treasure this friendship.
I treasure this bond that we built with everyone.

Everyday in class, it's only you guys who accept my weird, eccentric self.
It's only you guys.

Do you understand?

If in the end, you do go,
I hope everything goes horribly wrong.

I hope the people, the neighborhood, everything there sucks.
I hope you suffer there.

And know that you only belong here,
With us.

But I know that's probably improbable.
You attract people.
Like a magnet.

People will come to you,
They will like you,
And they will make you feel happy.

So happy...
That you'll slowly start to forget us.
Slowly start to forget the little useless things that we did all day in school.
Slowly start to forget the stupid weird things we talked about.

You'll start to grow more mature,
more elegant (*gasp* is that possible? Can she really?!)
more level-headed,
and you'll grow stronger.

And when you look back at us,
The distance between us will have increased.

So, to you, my comrade, I would like to say...
If God does send you away from us,
I beg you,
Stay weird.

Don't sway from your weird, dorky self.
Remember us, even with that short memory of yours.
Go ahead and grow.
Grow bigger than you'd ever imagined and reach for your dreams.
Grow all you want,
But you'll probably still be a midget compared to me, the giantess gangsta.

Musheeroom, my weird-ass comrade,
I can't wait to see our mafia-company-island that we dreamt of together.

Don't make me repeat my long speech, you hear?
Cause if you make me do that, I'll cry again.

D-don't look at me like that!
I know I'm kinda sensitive, but who the hell cares anyway?!!
So what if I've cried like, 6 times?!

It's just that you're my friend.
I like friends.
But I just can't seem to make any.
I wonder why...

Well, anyways, I forgot what I wanted to write as the ending.
Aaand now the aura's ruined.

Oh well.


This was dedicated to one of my best friends, Musheeroom.
Stalk her if you want~

I just felt the need to write this. =3=
I had this sad piano song playing so it got a bit too sad for me, up to the point where the Niagara Falls was pouring out from my eye sockets. Yeah, that's right, I cried. 
So what? I'm a girl, it's NORMAL! :P

Here's the sad piano song I heard, if you're interested.

Oh, and if you're reading this, Musheeroom, don't get too cocky.
I'm just...  you know... uh... did this because... um... I was bored. 
*amateur tsundere much?*

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