Monday 3 October 2011

Good Morning!!

Morning, people. How you doin?

I'm bored, and I got a class in an hour, so I'm just spending my time here, on the Internet. 


The Internet is taking over my life!! People, run for your lives!!

Oh wait, everyone here has been taken over by the Internet. Nevermind...

I slept at 1-something AM. 

Yesterday, I slept at 2-3 AM.

Lately, I've been going to bed seriously late. And now, I have to pay for my actions...

 Eyebags! Yes, eyebags.

Dark circles underneath my red eyeballs and with my hair all fuzz-like, I look like a drug addict. 

OMG! It's a Kesha cosplay!!

Though, my hair is a different colour. 

Will I get sued for using her name...?

Aah well.


When you wake up, remember to drink a glass of water. It'll help clean your insides.

But beware, afterwards, you may have to use the bathroom and crap. 

Oops, that was vulgar. Sorry. =3=

I'm hungry. 

Food, oh food, here I come!!



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