Monday 10 October 2011

First Time :: Having Someone from Class Say Goodbye!! :: Part 2 [END]

For the part 2 of this, I was thinking that maybe I should try to write how the other party may have felt.

So this was what I came up with:

Thunder grumbled as we drove by my school. 

Looks like the rain's lighting up.

I rolled down my window and took a look outside of the car.

Not many people left. Well, that's to be expected. It's almost 7PM.

Oh look, there's someone.


Wait... I know her.

"Hi, [Name]!" I say and wave at her.

She lifts up her hand and wave at me back. She looks awkward.

Oh well.

I retreated into the car and rolled up my window. It's best to stay dry.

I peeked at the mirror and saw her continuing her walk with her poker face.

How cold.

That girl... she better not screw up our play...


Aha, I'm not all that proud of this, but I guess this would have to suffice because I don't really know the guy. So... yeah. 
He probably thought I was weird. (_ _")
But I don't mind. I'm just too happy that my social life's expanding! Even if it's only by the tiniest bit. I was too happy, actually. As soon as I was sure the car was out of my range of sight, I was goofy-smiling to the MAX! I had to try especially hard not to burst out into a laughing fit. Oh me and my weirdness. =3=

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