Saturday 15 October 2011

Finals are Coming Up!

Okay, so my finals start next Wednesday and I'm having a really hard time focusing. The school's being cool for doing this special schedule (let's call it that) for the kids so that they could prepare for the exam and do their revisions.

The schedule works like this... 

Instead of having the normal classes a day, which usually consists of 4-6 subjects and lasts for 35 minutes to at most, 1 hour 45 minutes per subject..., the kids will attend only 3 (on Fridays, 2) classes. The subjects in these classes vary and last for 1 hour 45 minutes per class. (I don't know why I bold-ed the words, but I like it!)

Whoever planned this thing is a genius. It's really helping me study and catch up with the class. But still, I don't think this is helping me enough. I'm still having troubles with a few topics. I'm thinking of going to the bookshop and buying a few books for references and exercises, but my mom is asleep and my dad is out shopping at Ikea with my siblings.

Yeah, they're still not talking. It's bothering me a lot. 
Sometimes when she waits for her laptop to load, she'd stare of into space with this longing look in her eyes and it hurts me. 
I told my besties a fraction of what's happening. But even before a could say more that 4 words, my eyes started to burn and I had another crying episode in class. I think no one saw (because I am a master of secretly crying!! Muahaha!) since I rested my head on the table and blocked my eyes with my forearm. 
It's a good thing that I usually manage to regain my composure quite quickly. I was joking around with my friends seconds after tearing up so I guess it was nothing serious.

Well, I'll just forget about that for now. I don't want to be all gloomy on a Saturday!(= 3 =)

^Check out this song. In my heart by My Favorite Highway. I am absolutely in love with it.

Oh, and wish me luck on my finals~!

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