Saturday 22 October 2011

How I feel about having colds.

Went to sleep last night hoping that I could sleep the semi-cold away. It didn't.

Turns out I did in fact catch a cold because of my walking in the really bad rainstorm without an umbrella. Well, I didn't actually not have an umbrella, it's just that I wasn't underneath it...? Agrhh, read the post before and you'll know! Geez...

Anyways, I woke up with a one clogged nostril, a runny one on the other side, a headache, a sore throat, and this sexy voice right here. *wink wink*

On forth we go!

Reasons why I absolutely HATE having colds:
  • I don't like feeling sick. It just sucks, really. No other way to describe it other than suckish.
  • My body feels all heavy. If I wanted something, I'd have to feel like a whale on dry land and drag myself over there. ...Oh look, food! *drag drag drag drag*
  • One nostril gets clogged and the other doesn't. Oh god, I hate it so much. But I guess it's not as bad as having both nostrils clogged. I might die.
  • My eyes get red. I look like dracula.
  • You have to breathe with your mouth. Y'know, because your nose gets all clogged and whatnot. I don't like doing this because it makes my throat hurt even more. So I avoid it at all costs. But I need my oxygen, so I must do what I must. T^T
  • I get nauseous. Thankfully, I still haven't puked my guts out, so I'm good. ( =w=)
  • I can't seem to stay upright for very long. I end up wobbling like a bobble-head, except I'm bobbling my whole body...?
  • My nose gets all red. Rudolf the red-nosed raindeer~!! Ahahaha, no. Just no. >_>
  • Lost of appetite. Mainly because of the nausea. And my sore throat. And this fucking clogged nostril. UNCLOG, FOOL! UNCLOG!!
  • I get drowsy often. I slept so many times today. So. Many. Times.
  • I can't fight back. Allow me to explain. I fell asleep several hours ago, and then when I woke up (just now), my sisters were home from grocery shopping. Because I don't have the strength to talk or move, I kept lying there (occasionally napping along the way). My sister wanted to wake me up, so she did random shit to me and all I did was ... nothing. She blew into my ear, and I did nothing. She tickled my ear, and I did nothing. She poked my armpits, and I did nothing. So screamed in my face, and I did NOTHING. NOTHING!!
  • No energy.
  • I can't taste food. My precious... :'(
  • Headaches.
  • My breaths are short, so I have to inhale often. It gets tiring at one point, and I for the first time ever, wish to stop breathing. No, not in the suicidal way, just the... oh nevermind.
  • Runny noses. I don't like wasting tissues! (= 3 =)
  • I feel hot. And not in the good way.
  • I feel cold. Also, not in a good way. If there ever is a good way.
  • I get cranky.
  • My sore throat. OHHH THE PAIN!! THE PAIN!!
  • I can't take a shower with pleasure. I don't even want water on me. I don't...
  • I get too tired to finish my thoughts. They always leave in mid sentenc-    

I need a hug. Naoww.

Lol, this is me every time I ask for a hug. :P

Crankiness 12% gone due to the picture above^ . You may proceed.

Things I LOVE about having a cold:

  • I get my sleep. Whether I like it or not. I don't have a choice, really. But it's cool. I like to sleep.
  • I don't have to go help with the groceries. Muahahaha, this is my fave.
  • My voice gets all hoarse and sexy. 
  • [This might be a little weird. Skip if you must.] My pee feels hot. It's weird, I know! But hey! I've been weird all my life. Put a sock in it!
  • My hands get hot. Usually they're cold. So this is a big thing! *happy dance*
  • I get to act like a sloth/slug without being scolded. 
  • The feeling of something cool against my skin. Especially over the eyes.
  • There is a reason to eat ice-cream. You do know that if you have a sore throat, eating ice-cream will help, right? Strawberry ice-cream! Come to mama!!
  • My senses disappear. This means, that even if you ultra-super-tickle me, I won't feel a thing. Come at me bruh! :P
  • My heart beats louder and faster. Whenever I curl up into a ball, to take in all the sufferings that come with having a cold, I could hear and feel my heart. Thump, thump, thump. Oh, I just love it. <3

I can't seem to focus anymore, so I'll just let this end here. 
Goodbye, everyone. If you need me, I'll be in dreamland.


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