Monday 3 October 2011

First Time :: Voting for the Top 32 Sexy Men of Anime :: Part [2.2]

For the list of contestants, please refer to here.

Now, I know that Round 1 and Round 2 have passed. I just wanted to share with you who I voted for.

Let's begin, shall we?

Top Row:

Battle 1: Usui Takumi vs. Akira Kaburagi
Winner: Usui Takumi

To tell you the truth, at that time, I had no clue of who Akira Kaburagi is. 
Actually, even now, I still have no clue of who the guy is. 

So because of that, I voted for Usui. 
Plus, I quite like Usui, actually. He's what you would call the perfect guy.

Battle 2: Fujimoto vs. Masamune Takano
Winner: Fujimoto

This battle was quite hard, in my opinion. I couldn't chose!

Both of these characters have really hot voices (me like~) and look really good. *^*
After watching a few clips of these men on YouTube, in the end, I chose Masamune. Why? Because he really made me laugh with all the talk about the 'Female Heart-throb Panel' - which is 100% true, by the way.

But then, he lost. And I was just shocked. 
Masamune... ;_;

Battle 3: Gauche Suede vs. Rin Okumura
Winner: Rin Okumura

I voted for Gauche Suede. 
At that time, even though I knew who Rin Okumura was (*gasp*), I've never really seen him in action. When I voted, I was skeptical, but at the end, I went with Gauche Suede.

Oh well, at least Rin survived. 

I mean, I think Gauche Suede is pretty hot, too. 

It's just that... I'm just... STOP PRESSURING ME!!! DX

Battle 4: Kakeru Satsuki vs. Luka Crosszeria
Winner: Luka Crosszeria

Luka all the way.

I didn't even hesitate.
I've been loving Luka since the first time I saw him last year. So there! <3

Battle 5: Gilbert Nightray vs. Ichigo Kurosaki
Winner: Gilbert Nightray

This one was a tough one.
But I voted for Gilbert in the end. 

Sorry, Ichigo. It's just that... he's really something. I ...couldn't help myself.

I'm sorry.

*dramatically leaves*

Battle 6: Lelouch Lamperouge vs. Gekkou Kurenai
Winner: Lelouch

Ahaha, I went for Gekkou Kurenai~
*gets shot by lelouch fangirls*

I regret nothing.
(even though he lost)

 Battle 7: Tomoya Okazaki vs. Kyoya Hibari
Winner: Tomoya Okazaki

Kyoya, Kyoya, Kyoya, Kyoya!!!
...oh, and that little birdie.

I mean, come on! Kyoya is friggin' hot!! How can you not vote for him? =3=

But then, he lost.
Say what...?

Kyoya Hibari cannot lose. He CANNOT lose!

Why?! Why, cruel fate, why? *drowns in tears*

Battle 8: Zero Kiryu vs. Komuro Takashi
Winner: Zero Kiryu

Voted for the guy with the gun, Zero Kiryu.

I like that gun.

The results were pretty much expected, so no surprise there. *shrugs*

Bottom Row:

Battle 1: Ikuto Tsukiyomi vs. Dr. Stein
Winner: Ikuto Tsukiyomi
Dr. Stein, my love~

I chose you!


"And the winner of this battle is ...Ikuto Tsukiyomi from Shugo Chara!"

No way... just... no. No, no, no, no.
^ Well, someone's in denial.

 Battle 2: Hei vs. France
Winner: Hei

Oh god, this was probably one of the most hardest decisions I have ever made!

I am in LOVE with Hetalia. I mean it! 

But... but... but Hei is so hot....

Hei... France... Hei... France...


I'm sorry, France. I love you, but... 
I'm sorry.

Battle 3: Izaya Orihara vs. Haji
Winner: Izaya Orihara
This battle was killing me. 

Both men are just seriously hot.
On one hand, we have the ever-so-hot sly bastard, Izaya. 
And on the other, we have this classic example of a hot male.

It was hard. 

But, thanks to my glasses fetish, I end up choosing Haji instead of Izaya.

When Izaya won, part of me was heartbroken, because it meant that Haji lost.

But part of me was just...

Oh yeah. That's right. Izaya's bomb. d(=w=)b

Battle 4: Dark Mousy vs.Train Heartnet
Winner: Dark Mousy
I forgot who I voted for. 

I seriously forgot who I voted for. 


Battle 5: Vegeta vs. Jiro Mochizuki
Winner: Vegeta
Well, the outcome was expected. 

So, let's just leave it at that. 

Lets see what else we have here...

Battle 6: Roy Mustang vs. Kamina
Winner: Roy Mustang

Two men. 
Two extremely hot men.
One extremely huge head/heartache for me.

I love them both. 
Why do you make it so hard for me, world!

Fine... I guess I'll vote for Kamina.

*Results are in!*

I hate you guys.

Battle 7: Brian Roscoe vs. Hikaru Hitachiin
Winner: Hikaru Hitachiin

First off, I have to say that I am an OHSHC fangirl.

So it's pretty obvious who I voted for, huh?

And the winner is... HIKARU HITACHIIN!!

Told ya.

Battle 8: Sebastian Michaelis vs. Itoshiki Nozomu
Winner: Sebastian Michaelis
Yeah, at that time, I didn't know who the hell Itoshiki Nozumu is. So I voted for Sebastian without batting an eyelash.

But still, Sebastian IS one hell of a butler, right? How can I not vote for him?

Round 2 will be in the next part.

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