Saturday 1 October 2011

First Time :: Having Someone from Class Say Goodbye!! :: Part [1]

Sorry for the misleading title. I have had classmates say goodbye to me, yes. But this is in a different category; this time, it’s a dude. (I’m not even close with him)

See, this thing kinda has to do with the first time I voice acted
this was actually BECAUSE of it.

That day, we had two chances of practicing for our act. It was raining the whole day. After out second rehearsal, the bell rang, signaling the end of school for the week.

Raindrops lightening as students bustled towards the gate to exit the school compound. Some were searching for a spot to stay dry in the crowded area under the specially built roof (?), while others were running towards the vehicles awaiting them.

Originally, I had wanted to hitch a ride with a friend of mine, but unfortunately, she went on ahead without me.

Damn woman.

So, I just stood there, with my other close friend. She was waiting for her neighbor to pick her up. We chatted for quite a bit as we watched the crowd lessen minute by minute. Then, I realized something. 

Even if I wait with her, I'm not going home with her. In the end, I'll still walk home alone. So why was I waiting with her in the first place?

Upon realizing my idiocy, I bade my farewell and made my way across the zebra-crossing. Tough the rain had lightened up a bit, the sky was still dark and gloomy. But even so, I didn't feel depressed or down, rather, I felt calm and peaceful.
I was in absolute bliss just walking in the rain.

The cool touch of the wind grazing my skin and the sound of rain splashing against the ground were one of many reasons why I wish I had moments like this more often.

As I was floating in my own wonderland, minding my own business like I should (well, that's a first) , a car drove by on the street beside me. It was driving at quite a slow speed - perhaps out of safety reasons? My eyes lazily follow the car and rested at the open window and the person peeping out of it. What kind of person opens the window of their car while it's raining?

It turns out that it was the guy who's playing the main character; the guy I'm voicing for.
Both of us took a moment to evaluate the situation when our eyes met. Apparently, he has a faster reaction than mine.

"Hi, [Name]!" he says, waving at me with a goofy smile. Just like a little kid.

I wasn't expecting such an action, so I awkwardly raised up my right hand and waved back. I have no idea of what my expression looked like. 
My guess is that it was something like this: \(o_o)


I kept a stoic face as he retreated inside the car and I watched the car drive off and kept on walking. 

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