Friday 4 November 2011

Well, whoop-de-doo.

It's a beautiful morning, folks! 
Happiness fills the air in my world today. Why, you ask?
Well, for your information, this person right here has finished her finals. Yeap, that's right. Your neighbourhood weirdo is finally free from reading all those thick school textbooks and can now spend her time doing whatever the hell she feels.
Oh god, life is absolute bliss~

That was how I felt like about 12 hours ago.

But now, I just feel like dirt. Like sand. Like anything that has no feelings. 

I feel indifferent. Nothing can do anything to me to change this.


Yeah, nothing.

Oh, but wait...

There's that. 



Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me. Kill me.

Such an idiot. Why are you such an idiot? Why, why, why?!?!?

No, you're not an idiot.

You're just unable to read the aura. Or say the right thing.


God! Hide me now, before she says something else that's embarassing.

Oh, why, why, why, why, why, why????

Musheeroom, you moron!

*Facepalms self a million times*


Alright, it's gonna be fine. 

It's not such a big deal... 


Arghhghgh, but I keep remembering it!

... (=_='')

My head hurts; just kill me now.

[I apologize for this really weird post. I just want to let my thoughts out, even if they're incomprehensible. Enjoy your day. Goodbye. (=_=)] 

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