Friday 11 November 2011

11:11:11 11/11/11

She's the smartest girl in school.
 Everyone has high hopes for her.

They think she's perfect.

Some people admire her,
And some despise her.

The people who look up to her expect her to have all the answers, even though she never said that she did.

The people who dislike her get annoyed more and more every time she gets an 'A' on the exams. Jealousy fills the pits of themselves and their hatred keep growing more and more.

Her siblings get burdened with all the remarks at school. 
"Hey, you're her brother, aren't you?""You must be just as smart!""This topic will be a breeze. Your sister understood it easily, so you should be able to do it too!"

During tests, the people who sat near her would often try and cheat. They'd call for her, when she herself hasn't completed the test just yet. They'd bother her and keep distracting her until she's unable to focus and gets frustrated.

But even if she gets frustrated, she'd keep quiet.


Because she is the smartest girl in school.
Everyone has high hopes for her.

She can't let them down.

She has to keep acting perfect, just to please the society around her.

She can't let them down.
They'll never accept it.

It was never her wish to be so clever. 

She never wanted it.

All she ever wanted was to be a normal girl,

To be able to laugh and hang with her girlfriends,
 To be able to have her nails buffed without people looking at her all weird-like,
To be able to wear cotton candy-flavoured lip-gloss without worrying if it was too much,
To be able to wear Eau de Toilette, whatever that was.

All she wanted was to be a girl.

But no,
She can't.


Because she's the smartest girl in school.
Smart girls aren't supposed to be girly girls.

So now, she's looking out the window, waiting for her alarm to sound.

Earlier, she'd set the alarm to 11:11:11PM.


Because she's the smartest girl in school.
And all she wants is to be a normal girl.

So she's willing to do anything, 


To make this wish come true.

She knows that it's ridiculous to do such a stupid thing.

What would wishing at the 11th second of 11:11PM on the 11th of November 2011 do?

It's not like her wish would come true or anything.

But for once,
 She wanted to believe.

For once, 
She wanted to know that there is a chance for her wish to come true.

Then the alarm went off.

And at that moment, she really did believe that she had a chance.

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