Monday 14 November 2011

Just a small note.

I've finally finished a mini-fic, YAHOO!! =W=

Seriously, 'By My Side' is the first ever mini-fic that I've ever finished. EVER
Partly because I procrastinate a lot, and I just can't seem to keep focus.

Now, a word about 'By My Side'...
School was finished , so I thought that I should do something to celebrate it. And so, I decided to write something and post it. It took me about an hour to figure out what I should do, but when I did, it was really fun completing.
It's actually based on a song by David Choi called By My Side. That's why the tittle is named that.
Musheeroom introduced me to the song and I fell in love with it as soon as I played it. 
At first, I wanted to do a fan-fic based on Kazehaya-kun and Sawako-chan, a couple from this really awesome manga/anime series called Kimi ni Todoke. But then as I started to write, I realized that I couldn't seem to grasp the character's personality. So, I gave up and created a nameless character to replace them. Sorry, Sawako-chan! ( = 3 = )
I actually wanted to write another mini-fic based on a song, but I keep postponing it and postponing it, and postponing it again. (_  _" )

Then, there's '11:11:11 11/11/11'.
I heard people usually made wished at 11:11PM. I dunno why, but it actually seems pretty cool.
So, round noon that day, I noticed that it was indeed the 11th of November 2011 and that that night, at 11:11:11PM, it would be an epic wishing opportunity - well, at least that's what I heard people say. And because people were so excited about it and there was this huge hype about it, I thought that maybe it's worth writing a mini-fic about. 
It's actually based on a friend of mine who really is - in my opinion - one of the smartest kid in school. I haven't thought up of a name for her yet, but it's fine for now, I guess.

Right, well, I'm done talking now.
Goodbye. =w=


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