Friday 18 November 2011

No. 8: Draw her a picture:

Originally, I even made a mini-slideshow for her. But when I tried to upload it, it said that I had to agree to the terms and conditions. Now, sometimes okay, a lot of times I skip reading them, but this time my brain was nagging me to read it just to be sure nothing'll go wrong. But when I actually did read it, I was scared almost half to death. 

They wrote the text in a font like this and the way the sentences sound was quite intimidating. The paragraphs were too long and it seemed like such an excruciating process that I decided to give up altogether.  

So there goes my chance to show her the awesome slide-show I made especially for her. (=A=)

Guess I'll just have to post the pictures one by one by one here... Oh, god... *facepalm*

Here goes:

On top, I wrote 'Stages of Fafrina's life:'
Zoom in:



 And then at the end, I wrote a 'COMPLETE!'

Fafrina~~ Do you likeee??? :DDD

P.s: I used your pencil. The one that I "borrowed" =w=

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