Thursday 24 November 2011

Things Are Getting Done~


I'm on a roll. (~o = w =)~o

So yesterday was a pretty fulfilling day, I guess. I finished the first half of Durarara's anime. Yeap, I'm already at episode 12 now! :D

Also, I got to finish volume 3 of Fairy Tail AND finish the Fist Time :: Voting For the Top 32 Sexy Men of Anime on the same day. 

I successfully taught my lil sisters how to dance the macarena too! And boy was it fun~~ 

Today I woke up early - about 6-ish AM - and did a buncha random procrastinating stuff until it was about 9-10(-ish). Then I got a call from my Geography teacher from last year asking for my help. Now, at that time, I still hadn't taken a bath yet. So guess what I did next.


Nope. The next thing that I did wasn't that - even though that was supposed to be my priority at that time. I called up Musheeroom (and Fafrina - but she didn't answer)(She must be avoiding me... ( _  _ ") ) to ask if she wanted to help. She said that she was going out today and can't help, so in the end I had to go alone. 


It wasn't a big deal. Everything went pretty cool. And I also got a free t-shirt. The only not-so-great part was that I had to write a ton of stuff onto pieces of papers. I did about 120 in 2(-ish) hours. My hand. Is crushed. =A=


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