Tuesday 22 November 2011

First Time :: Voting for the Top 32 Sexy Men of Anime :: Part [2.6]

I've been procrastinating so much that I completely forgot to finish this. =A=

But whatever! Let's just get this thing started. Click here for the list of contestants and here for the previous part.


Top Row: Usui Takumi vs. Zero Kiryuu
Winner: Usui Takumi

 Honestly, I was shocked at the results. Because my friends kept saying that they're so voting for Zero and I read the comments and a lot of them cheered a whole lot for Zero.
But I think this is kinda because of my doing... heheh. ( = 3 = )
I voted for Usui. =w=
But come on, just look at this:
This beautiful man. Is he not hot?

Bottom Row: Sebastian Michaelis vs. Izaya Orihara
Winner: Sebastian Michaelis 

I would like to use this opportunity in remembrance to Izaya Orihara, one of the sexiest beasts I've ever seen. A moment of silence please...


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