Friday 18 November 2011

Twisted Tales:: The Princess and the Pauper:: Part [2]

After a quick change of clothes, Evelyn and Daniel went off into the village nearby, looking like beggars in the worn out clothes Daniel demanded to wear.

"Exactly why are we wearing these rags?" asked Evelyn, trying hard not to be offensive - but obviously, she failed.

"Well, your highness," replied Daniel, slightly mocking her. "Unless you want to stand out like a sore thumb, it's better to blend in with the crowd. Us villagers don't really have the money to buy expensive clothing, you know?"

She scowled at his remark, muttering how he'd stop being so sarcastic. However, she knew there was truth in what he said, and she had to admit she'd been quite rude to not only the villagers by saying that, but also him. 

"Hey Daniel, you're taking me to visit the village that you live in, aren't you?" she asked, just to make sure this bastard wasn't up to anything weird, like he used to do back when they were little.

"Yes, but don't tell the Queen; I might lose my job."

"Oh, she won't do that... we're way too close!"

"Tsk, tsk. Such a naive way of thinking," he said, wagging his index finger at her face. "That's just gives her more reason to sack me. After all, what kind of mother wants their kid hanging out with her tutor?"

"Come on! We've been together ever since I could remember. You're not just my tutor," said Evelyn, pushing his hand away. "You're my bestfriend, too," she paused, faintly smiling. "My only friend, actually." 

A smirk.

"Hahah, well, no need to be so dramatic, your highness," he replied, chuckling. "I'm sure you'll find another friend someday. You are a member of the royal family, after all."

"Yeah, but--" "Oh look, we're here... Shall we, milady?" 

He stepped out of the small horse-carriage - that he "borrowed" from the royal stable -and offered her his hand. "Watch your step, there's loads of puddles--"

Cue water splash.

...And bickering.
Lots, and lots of bickering.


Meanwhile, somewhere nearby...

"Julia, there's a commotion outside," said Joanne to her aged co-worker. "It looks like two people fighting, but I'm not quite sure..."

"Oh stop looking out that window already. These dresses aren't going to finish themselves, you know," said Julia as she stitched on strips of lace onto the fabric in her hands.

Joanne sighed and closed the windows. "But we've done so much~" she said, stretching her arms. "I'm so tired that I feel as if my body parts will come off any minute now.."

"Oh you poor child," said Julia, sympathizing for this young girl that she's been caring for for years. If she didn't have to work here to pay off her debt with the Madame, Joanne would probably get to act like everyone else her age, having fun in their youth. 

"Joanne, honey, why don't you go out and have some fun," she said after considering the circumstances. Why not give the girl her break? "You've deserve it, child."

Excitement filled Joanne's heart that was leaping with joy. "Seriously? I can go out?"

 "Sure, why not... Just remember to be back before noon."

"Thank you, Julia! I love you." she said, hugging the woman tightly before running off to see what awaits her outside the doors of that small little dress shop of the Madame's. 

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