Monday 21 November 2011

I miss riding my bike

I have 3 bikes but I only use on of them nowadays because the other two is way too small for me and my giant-like self. I used to ride all the time. I even rode my bike to school. But now, I don't even touch them anymore.

A few days back, I took the initiative to wash my bikes. You would not believe how horrible of a condition it was. There was spiderwebs, I tell you. Spiderwebs. That just proves to show you that I haven't touched it in a long, long, long, time.

So earlier today, a few minutes ago to be exact, I thought that since no one is out on the streets, why not I go and take a ride on my bike. But when I tried riding it, apparently, the tyres are out of air. 

I went to look for my pump, and when I found it and tried to pump the tyres, I found out that the pump had a leak. Useless pump. 

And so, here I am, on my chair, looking at my computer monitor. Guess I'm destined to be fat forever now... ( = A = )


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