Thursday 16 February 2012

Amonderevex, where are you?!

Amonderevex is one of my most favoured youtuber there is. But I just found out today that she closed her account. Why?! (((( ;°Д°))))

She was the one who posted them videos of the Nico Nico singers on YouTube along with all the links and DLs. Her videos were all HD and tagged very accurately so that it would be easy to search for them later.

I don't understand why she would just go away like that. She did say that a person was bugging her with messages and that's why she made her page unvisible (?) but her videos were still watchable. 

She was the best Nico Nico videos uploader on YouTube. It's so sad to have her disappear like this. I enjoyed the whole time I was subscribed to her as she provided me with access to wondrous videos. Each time a video was uploaded by her, I would be tickled pink with delight and glee. 

Sometimes, her videos would lead me to discover new singers with amazing talent and an incredible voice. And other times, she would upload the videos from singers that I know and love dearly. If not for her, I wouldn't have been able to know whether or not my favourite singers had covered a new song. 

I discovered KanzentaiCell and Tamu thanks to her - singers that I am such a huge fan of now. She made me like female singers such as Wotamin and Vip and 96Neko. 

It's a sad day today as now us subscribers of Amonderevex will have lost a very much loved youtuber. I still have hopes in me that she will come back - even though the chances are least likely. Amonderevex, we'll miss you. 。゚(゚ノД`゚)゚。



  1. Aaah, a sad day many thousands of songs all gone! (To youtubers, anyway) I wonder if she has a niconico account...

  2. !! I miss Amonderevex already T___T...
    I never had the chance to save all of the songs i favourited!! Im freaking out :@
    and yes... to all those years of accumulated songs...

  3. I think you'll find this useful :)
    Reasons why they left are in the journal entry.

  4. Wah, thanks so much for sharing! It's nice to at least know why she left. But... even though I completely understand and accept her choice, I still feel sort of sad. Youtube seems a lot less fun now. T^T

  5. I know! I loved her video's! I loved every single song that was uploaded, But she closed her account. I beg for her to come back to youtube once more!

  6. I MISS AMONDEREVEX!!!!!!!! TwT!!!
