Monday 20 February 2012

Hetalia makes it all better...

Today was a fairly bad day - not the worst, but not the best either.

During the Gamelan performance on Saturday, I received this really cute water bottle with a shape similar to that of a grenade. Very compact and sleek, an aesthetically pleasing thing indeed.

I brought the bottle to school today to show it to my buddies. Everything's all fine and dandy, until a classmate of mine grasp sight of the bottle. He was tossing it up in the air, but since he caught it every single time, I thought that it was fine. Honestly, I wanted to ask for it back, but I couldn't bring myself to spoil the guy's fun.

My intuition was right about asking for it back, and yet I did not listen. The bottle fell after a high throw, crashing onto the solid concrete and it burst.

Words could not describe how bad I felt - the disappointment was overwhelming. I wanted to slap the guy, kick him in the balls, slit his throat and feed him to the wolves. But of course, reason got up to me and I merely sat there, staring at the scene. 

The guy looked at me, his eyes saying sorry, but he didn't. I looked at him with the pokerface of mine, unwilling to show that I was sad over just a bottle. I don't know why, but I stared him straight in the eyes and told him to drink it. 

It kind of felt good as I watched him gulp mouthfuls of water as fast as he could. The sadist inside of me was enjoying herself at the fact that his high ego was scratched. For the first time ever, his air of confidence wasn't there. 

After he finished drinking, he showed me the bottle with a curt smile. I flashed a dark smile of my own and told him coldly to throw the bottle away. And so he did. 

When I got home, I introduced Musheeroom with Prussia. We watched an abundance of videos of him and at the time, I was no longer in the dumps.

During our club meet, Musheeroom and Fafrina didn't want to sing the song that we created with much effort. I wasn't going to be the only one singing, so I didn't say a word of opposition. The feeling of losing without even competing was soul-crushing. 

The entire day didn't seem to matter anymore. Even the game of congkak with Musheeroom felt draggy. 

At home that evening, I drowned myself in Hetalia - MEPs, AMVs, the lot.

Hetalia is to me what a teddy bear is to kids, what a meal is to the hungry, what the Sun is to the cold. It gives me strength, it draws a smile on me, it lifts my spirits and is what makes my life a lot better and fun.


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