Monday 13 February 2012


Ahaha, I'm just advertising my nation to other foreign countries today. But I guess it's fine. I mean, a little bit of a culture spree won't do no harm. If anyone's interesting in coming here to Malaysia, I'll be your guide. (=w=)b


Congkak is a traditional Malay game which involves the congkak - hence the name - and marbles. I heard somewhere that the game is also called mancala, but whatever. This is about the Malaysian culture, so I'll stick with congkak.  ( ̄ー ̄ )ノ

Usually the game is played by girls, but guys can try it too. 

The congkak generally has 7 holes - well, 8 if you count the big hole which is your goal - per side, however there are also congkak with 5 or 9 holes per side.  Your goal is on your left-hand side and the side most closest to you is yours. Each hole in the generic congkak needs 7 marbles in it.

The aim of the game is basically to have as many marbles as you can. The game most relies on your luck and mathematical skills - but mostly luck. = 3 =

The game starts with both sides playing simultaneously. But if one person's turn is ended - because they landed in an empty hole - then the other playing who's still going on shall continue playing. When that person's turn ends, the other starts their turn. And then it's just taking turns from then onwards.

How do you move? Well, you take the marbles in any of the holes on your side of the board. Then you start filling in the holes on marble each in a clockwise motion, avoiding the opponent's goal and "rumah terbakar".

When a round is finished and in the 7 holes, no more marbles are left, you continue the game by filling in your side of the board with the marbles from your goal. If you don't have enough marbles to complete a total of 7, the marbles go back into your goal and you leave the holes empty. This is called "rumah terbakar". If your opponent puts a marble into the hole that has been burnt (bakar), the marble goes to you. It's vice versa if you do it. 

Honestly, the game never ends - well it could, but you'd have to wait for someone to get ALL of the marbles which I'm not sure is even remotely possible. = =;

But still, this was one of my favourite games since childhood. I could never stop playing it - usually my opponents are the ones who leave. So far, no one's beaten me in this game since I was 13 or maybe younger. Let me boast a bit, this is probably the only thing I'm good at. ><

Moving on, if you ever want to challenge me to a congkak duel, I'll be happy to accept. Let me just see you try beating the champion. Yeah, right...


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