Monday 13 February 2012

Music classes?

Today's filled with fun(?) facts about me and my school life. So in this post, I'll be telling you about our music classes.

Now, our year has about 8 classes in total. 2 of them learn music while the others learn art. We didn't really get to choose, but if we wanted to we could change courses - but it's too late now since it's been two years since our class was assigned to learn music.

The music classes in our year is class S and class A. Class S is the highest class available for the music and economics students. I've been in this class for 3 years straight now. 

Music classes have 5 periods. Two periods are in the standard school times while the other three are during the afternoon (morning if you're in the afternoon session). The A class this year attends the 3 periods on Tuesdays while my class attends them on Thursdays.

The classes start around 1.45(?)pm which means that we have to stay-back in school and have our lunch there before attending the classes.

All in all, I'd have to say that music classes aren't so bad. We get to stay in an air-conditioned room - as opposed to the standard classrooms with fans - and it's really comfortable. Us music students also get to chill after each lessons and hear the talented persons play instrument.

Yeah sure, not all of us are talented, but I'll bet you that music's a lot better of a subject to learn in my school than art is. = 3 =


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