Wednesday 29 February 2012

Leap Day!

Today is a special day - it's a LEAP DAY!

Every four years, in the month of February, there will be a 29th. And that, is today!

As embarrassing as it may be, I admit that I didn't even remember the date was today until Musheeroom told me. I know it's nothing special, but for some reason, I felt the hype.
┐(  ^ 3^)┌

So I was planning on maybe doing something as a sort of celebration for this rare date. But, thanks to this extreme migraine that struck me since school this morning, my head can barely think straight.

All I could do was a short piece of ...thing..? that might be considered as a doodle in the form of words. It's simple and I hope the content can be grasped without much thinking. 

I imagine a guy being the male character, but it's up to you how you perceive it.  

Anyways, my nausea's getting worse. I'll post a bit more on what's happening in a few days maybe... = =

I'm heading to bed. Oyasumi.


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