Thursday 16 February 2012

Botol Game - what it is:

An easy game that can be played by anyone, anywhere. Unless you're deaf or mute ><. 

It's basically counting until you meet any number that contains or is a multiple of the designated number you choose.

Usually we use the number 7 to play, but you could try others. Like the other day, we tried a whole lot of numbers.. some were hard and some were just plain out silly because of the overly-predictable pattern.

So, you play by first making a circle, sit or stand, it's up to you. The first player starts with the number one. Then continue with the second player who says 2.

Then 3, 4, 5, 6, BOTOL, 8,9,10, 11, 12, 13, BOTOL, 15, 16, BOTOL, 18, 19, 20, BOTOL.

You see? You need to say botol at the numbers that contain 7 or are multiples of 7. 

Anyone who hesitates, takes too long to answer, says the wrong number, forgot to say BOTOL loses and is eliminated. Then we restart counting back to number 1.

Easy, no?


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