Thursday 16 February 2012

More activities, more fun...?

Well, today in school, we learned nothing. Nada, hull, zero.

So, sometime after recess, I met two of my classmates who were in the Gamelan-playing squad(?). They're playing for the school's award ceremony but... the problem is, several students are going to receive the awards, so they were short on players. I volunteered to be a substitute, but I'm only playing until the guys receive their awards and come back.

I also joined the editing team for the school's year book. He (classmate) said they needed a fast-typer... guess who's gonna be the typer?  *nudge nudge*

All those years of typing, finally put to good use! Wahaha!

Today's koko was really fun. Yeah, we had to train in the middle of the Sun, but sometimes it was windy so it was alright - at least the light rain during the first hour cooled our area a bit. 

We had to do some pumping and jumping jacks (the 1-2-1, 1-2-2, 1-2-3, 1-2-4..etc.. kind which means that one is equal to three jumps. I can not pump. At all. I have never been able to and probably never will. = =

I won the BOTOL game! WHAHAHAHA!

First I won with my group, then with the finals of the other groups. I feel so proud *cries*

There's also the school's counseling prefect thing that I'm not sure what to call. It's a good way for me to earn marks for my koko, but I'm not sure if I could take up the responsibility. I mean, if I can't do it right, I might as well not do it at all. I wanted to give being a librarian another shot, but Fafrina-chan's really against it - for some reason. WHY?! T^T

It's not that I really wanted to be one, just that the way you make it seem like it would be the end of the world as we know it if I joined so I'm curious. And the sadist inside of me just wants to try and apply for the librarian thing just to go against you. 

Forgive me, I'm a bad person... = =;

I grant you permission to smack me in the face if I go beyond the limits of your tolerance. 
m( _  _ )m

And with all that's going around me - exams, oral test on Friday and still no topic, homework that is still uncompleted, a bedroom the condition of a natural disaster - I still haven't finished my debate homework. FRUK!



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