Tuesday 21 February 2012

English is so Hard!

Today, there was an English oral test at my school. I've always hated oral tests - scratch that, I've always disliked speaking in English in front of people. My tongue only favours its native language. I have a stupid accent and sound like an idiot when speaking in English. Hell, I sound better when speaking German! ... even though I've never learnt it.

Verdammt! Ich habe sauerkraut in meine lederhosen!

Yeah, I said that without Google Translate! Booyah! That's what Hetalia fan products gives you - the power to talk weirdly in different languages.

I spoke of my first trip overseas, a.k.a the trip to Viet Nam. My friends were all:

Meanwhile, there I was at the front feeling like so:

Spoke in very broken English, my grammar was all over the place, my eyes were going out of focus. I didn't even tell my story properly either. When I compared to the rest of the class, their English was incredibly fluent and they delivered their message very clearly. 

Arghh! I feel like dust now. 


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