Tuesday 14 February 2012

Sleep in peace, little miss.

Well, it's a fine evening today and I'm all cool and comfy in Fafrina-chan's well-airconditioned room. My fingertips are frozen, but other than that, everything seems A-OK.

I'm almost done with the power point project - just a little stumped on ideas. Reckon it's a good time to check Google, but at the moment, I just couldn't care less.

A short-sleeved shirt in a room of this temperature is not the ideal, at all. = A =

Sleeping - Fafrina's favourite past time second to reading and alongside with singing. She's a very heavy sleeper and it takes more than a few name calls and nudges with my frozen hand to wake her. But I'll leave her be, she was pretty active today at school - laughing and talking - so I guess she must've been knackered.

Back to work for me now. Tata?


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