Tuesday 14 February 2012

Watashi no Ai!

So since a mass of people out there are all mushing up to their lovers just because it's a Tuesday that is on the 14th in the month of February today. Whoop-de-doo for them. I, personally, think it's ridiculous in certain aspects. One very clear one is that they only choose to introduce or to show their love to their loved ones on a specific date instead of every day. What's the point of that?! =_=

Ehem, moving on... 

While you're all snuggling up with your mate, I'm here, with all my lovelies. Behold, all of the guys from Hetalia that I find myself swooning over. Watashi no ai~!

(P.S, I purposely used broken Japanese for effect...)

Axis Powers: Germany a.k.a Ludwig

 (Source: Fanpop)

Also, his voice actor (the original Japanese one) a.k.a Hiroki Yasumoto :

 (Source: Link)

Allied Forces: America a.k.a Alfred F. Jones and England a.k.a Arthur Kirkland

North America: Canada a.k.a Mathew Williams

Central Europe: Austria a.k.a Roderich Edelstein and Prussia a.k.a Gilbert Beilschmidt 

Western Europe: The Netherlands a.k.a Adriaan van der Rijn

Mediteranian Europe: Greece

 (Source: Link)

Asia: Hong Kong

 (Source: Link)

The Nordics: Denmark and Sweden a.k.a Berwald Oxenstierna

 (Sources: Link and Link)

Happy Lovey-dovey day, peaps. I'm going to bed. Night~


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