Saturday 25 February 2012

Such luck!

The iPad's fixed! Yay! (´∇ノ`*)ノ

Well, actually, it wasn't even broken in the first place - the charger was. So my mother bought an iPhone charger (since the iPad chargers were out of stock) and so our problem was fixed! It charges really slowly though...

With the iPad all charged up, the apps are all good to go. I was bored around noon and got to doodling on the SketchBookPro. I haven't been using it for some time, so it looks weird.

 As you can see, there's a sort of chicken/bird peeking at the bottom of the right-hand side. He's the same little fella from here. Ahaha, I'm having too much fun drawing 'em. Also, yay for rosy cheeks! (o⌒.⌒o)


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