Thursday 17 May 2012

It's irking me. IRKING ME.

Everything is irking me.


The exams are irking me, my room is irking me, my sister is irking me, I am irking me, THIS FONT IS IRKING ME.

Okay. Better.

I am feeling so very irritated at the moment, so stuffy too. I was fine mere minutes ago, all snuggled up in my comforting striped duvet, ready to study science for my exams tomorrow. But now. Now I am irked. I have been irked. I still am irked.

P.s. I love this word. Hahahahahaha ._.

I need another cold shower. 

Yesterday, when I was irked -more irked than today- I took a cold shower and went to bed. The next morning, my heart was cooled. I want to do that, but if I sleep, then when will I study? OR maybe you could study now instead of updating yer stupid blog. 

See? Now I am irking myself! My irked self is irking me. HEEEEELP.

My room is so stuffy at the moment, thanks to everything being moved into it because there are guests in the house - Tok Nyeh, my grandma, grandfather and my youngest aunt.

I like having them here, I really really do. HOWEVER. Why is my room the victim of all this junk! >A<

I have one more week to go before the exams are over and done. Until then, I don't want to see myself touch this computer. EVER. Lol, but there are other computers in the house.

I'm planning on devoting all my time to reading textbooks and reference books and making audio tapes out of them, then listening to them as I do other stuffs. Then complete every single one of the exercise books in the nearest bookshop. 

THEN. Once my PMR is over, I. Will. Do. EVERYTHING.

Oh look. I made this.

Click to enlarge.
 Sheesh. Mr. Narrator is so edgy. = 3 =

I shall flee now. Farewell, my lovelies.



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