Saturday 5 May 2012

What the hell am I doing again?

Folks, let me tell you a tale about a girl.

Now, this girl, she is a fairly ordinary teen - average height, average weight, average looks, average brains, average manners, average family, average skills, average social abilities. She is so average that if she were to have a middle name, then there would be a very high possibility for her middle name to be, Average. 

While Ms. Average here might have average brains, she does not like to sharpen it with things that she is supposed to. For example, if in school she needs to know of when the Brits  lost to the Japs in the Malayan land, instead, she prefers spending her time learning about the parts of the brain and what does it do, and also origami techniques. She prefers to read and write a language that is not even her own, despite having her tongue absolutely hating said language and strongly preferring its native language.

One thing that might as well be labelled as the death of her is her most beloved activity - blogging.

Her love for blogging conquers her and her entire being. It invades her brain and seizes her mind. Her mind then coaxes and cajoles her with different sort of engaging and interesting ideas until she is forced to yield and surrender.

This girl is in dire need of rescue from the clutches of evil procrastination. She needs to be rid of the haunting need to write, be it her thoughts or pieces of works.
I mean it's not like their any good anyways. /shots.

She has a deadline. A time limit. Before the clock strikes, she must save herself.

Else, her future, her present, everything. 

Will be destroyed and detonated. 
Shredded and severed.
Collapsed and crushed.
Buried and burnt.

What she needs to do is not easy.

It is very challenging and acquires help from the people around her. Help she is not sure she could obtain.

What she needs to do, 

Is study.

Like, now.

Or else, she'll fail her PMR.




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