Saturday 26 May 2012

My midterms are over!

Midterms are over, so now I have time to blog. But not much, though, since I'm trying to finish my Form 1 and 2 syllabus before mid-June. 

Here is the list I made about the things I will try to blog about this week.(I'll complete as many as I can):

Okay, I need to go now. Baii.


  1. please don't freak out yahs T_T~~~ i know i am a little creepy and stalker-ish~~ T_T~~~ but i mean no harm OTL..

    looking forward to your posts~~~~~

    you so good~ finish exam jor T_T~~~and hols coming soon right?~~ me... my exam is just around the corner... haiz...

    1. Hahah, it's fine. I like reading your comments! :)

      Good luck with your exams!

      Oh, and forgive me for being gone from blogging for so long. T^T

  2. yay~~~ x3~ good thing you no scared of me XD~~

    Thank you thank you~~~:3

    nuuu~~~ your blogging is more frequent than mine... i'ma lazy blogger T_T~~~
