Thursday 31 May 2012

What happens when you're late for C2AGE.

I apologize for putting this post off for so long. m(_  _)m

I went to the third day of C2AGE 2012 which was on the 20th of May. I went at about 7 because I had family members come to my house. Thought that it would last until 10 - as it said in the schedule. But when I got there, everyone was already in the midst of packing and leaving.

(Sorry for bad quality pictures. They were captured by my sister. I guess it's in our blood.)

As soon as I got there, I gave my camera to my sister, and dashed to where the artist booths were supposed to be because I had promised one of them I would come to their booth. But I was too late because she wasn't there. :<


It was my lucky day as there were still a few booths left at the convention site. 

Ah, we meet again.


Of course, this is where I head off to first.

A video of the surrounding:

Pictures of cosplayers my sister managed to capture:

They were about to leave, but were kind enough to stop and pose. So nice.. <3

Because it was getting late, and everyone else was leaving, my mother said that it was time to go home. 

Even though I only got a glimpse of what 2012's C2AGE was like, I'm still pretty happy. :>

'Tis all. 



  1. LOL!!!! guess what~~~

    this pic~see the girl in Blue with the paper bag, that's my friend~~~ i was beside her that time~~ XD! we crossed path XD!!!

    and in this~ me and my friends are the three girls staring at Pedobear XD~

    i was in the video too XD! the one wearing green and bargaining with one of the shop guy :X

    anyways, after around 7 or 8, almost all the cosplayers went back jor T_T~ then we only did shopping~ why you can get haruhi's picture T_T~~~ i couldn't find her that time~ *is jealous*

    1. Oh my God! So our paths did cross! :D

      I can't believe I took a picture AND a video with you (and your friends) in it without realizing it! I'm still surprised!

      You bargained with the shop guy?! Haha, that's so cool! XD I've never known anyone who dared to bargain at a convention. Did you get the ideal price you were looking for?

      Yeah, after they went back, I went shopping for books and the Japanese merchandise selling nearby. Got another RM5 voucher! ^^

      P.s. you look very pretty. :)

  2. yeah!!! but we didnt know each other OTL... oh well~

    lol~ thats because i was there the whole day, even when the crowd is long gone XD

    lol! i learned bargaining from my friend... OTL she got a lot more better deals -3-~

    OAO! no... i am not pretty at all... OAO.... i'm ugly~~
