Thursday 26 January 2012

Down in the Dumps...

Moped around all day today - well mostly. I'm just so bummed out about the scam I've fallen for. The disappointment is more than my heart could take. 

And the worse part is that it wasn't my money that got robbed but my mother's. I would've mind less if I was the only one involved. But tricking me and my mother? Crushing the hopes of a kid? That's just crossing the line. How heartless can you get?

Allow me to be dramatic for this post, please. That's the only way I'll get by. =_=

I don't know what to do anymore. Even KanzentaiCell's cover of Tsukema Tsukeru wasn't enough to lift my spirits up. Neither did Na-chan from UtaPri. I couldn't even move on to watching the second ep of the series. +_+

Usually when my heart is burdened, I lie down on a bed - any bed - and cover my head with a pillow. Then, I'll drift into sleep. It may take two hours, it may take 15 minutes... but when I wake up, I'll have to face my troubles head on. And if I feel as if I'm not ready, I would always lie back down and close my eyes.. and just escape everything.

The thing that frustrates me more than actually being scammed is that I actually suspected something. I knew something was up. But I denied my senses. I refused to believe in my intuition. I guess a woman(?)'s intuition is never wrong afterall - and this is what I get for doubting that.

I guess I'm just being tested. C'est la vie, I guess?


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