Tuesday 31 January 2012

PMS - for the ladies.

I have always thought that PMS was just cramps and temper...

...But now I understand that that was a major misunderstanding.

So, after doing my research, I discovered so many things that I thought was interesting. Ladies, this post is especially made to share with you all the data that I found. 

To start things off, I'll give basic information about what PMS is...

Now, PMS is an acronym that can stand for either Post Menstrual Syndrome or Premenstrual Syndrome. Both have very discomforting symptoms that disrupts us females to a certain degree at least once a month.

The Difference Between Post Menstrual Syndrome and Premenstrual Syndrome.

Well, the only main difference I know is that Premenstrual Syndrome occurs a few days before the menstruation cycle begins and the symptoms usually end shortly after the cycle begins. Post Menstrual Syndrome occurs around the time that the cycle ends - if I'm not wrong, it could also occur during the period too.

PMS Symptoms

Ladies, even if you're no genius, I'm pretty sure you'll know of these. Because we experience them every month - unfortunately. Both Premenstrual Syndrome and Post Menstrual Syndrome have roughly the same symptoms which are listed below:
  • Cramps
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Headaches and Migranes
  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Lost of appetite OR Appetite gain
  • Back pains
  • Cravings
  • Highly irritable, hostile and aggressive. RAWR
  • Changes in libido
  • Low confidence levels
  • Crankiness

Women often show erratic behaviour during PMS - she could be laughing out of control one moment, bawling the next, and a total bee-otch in a blink of an eye.
Keep in mind that not every female experience all of these each time that time of the month arrive, but they do experience at least one of the symptoms to a certain degree. For instance!

I have no experience with menstrual cramps - well, I might have a few years back, but it wasn't that bad. The only actual time my period strikes pain is when it feels as though I really need to change pads and when I'm done changing, BAM! The pain's gone.

That is also why I sometimes confuse whether I'm having menstrual cramps or I just have to take a big dump.

Another thing that my cycle does to me is make me a crying machine. 

My crying episodes last for a short period of time and come out of nowhere. That's the way I know my period's on the way. The reasons to why the tears leak vary from very minor displeasing things to absolutely nothing. Usually during my cycle, any sort of emotion or scenario that displays certain emotions could get me welling up very easily - sad movie, a harsh comment, a nice gesture, an argument, anything really. 

Sometimes it gets very annoying that I just want to slap myself silly. ಠ_ಠ

Causes of PMS

I don't know the exact cause of PMS - and I'm pretty sure most of you don't either. Changes in hormones play a factor and so does your genetics. Let's say that your mother experiences bad cramps and migraines during her cycles, there are chances that you might have those symptoms too although it's not certain. An unhealthy lifestyles and environment can also contribute to the causes of PMS.

Treatment & Solutions

There are natural tricks to solve PMS problems - or at least help lessen the level of pain experienced. For example...

  • Lowering your caffeine and salt intake
  • Partake in light exercises
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Avoid fats and simple sugars
  • Relax and de-stress

Note that by "light exercises", I mean a 20-30 minute activity that would make you sweat. I'm not sure if heavy exercises such as weight lifting would be suitable, but if you're able, why no give a go?

Also, for terrible cramps, I advice you to put hot-warm(-ish) water inside a bottle or something, and rub it on your belly in circles slowly. Make sure the water's not too hot, else you'll burn your skin. It helps relieve my cramps back in the early day when I first got my period.

I wish you ladies the best of luck in overcoming PMS. Fight! (・`∀´・)b


1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    IN my view Women with PMS do not experience completely different symptoms each cycle, such as anxiety with one cycle, depression the next, anger in the following cycle, and so forth. Each woman with PMS has her own personal pattern of symptoms. Best Acupuncture, NC
