Wednesday 18 January 2012

Happy Birthday, Prussia!

 (Germany looks so hngggg =///////=)

 Happy Birthday to the most awesome of awesome! Gilbert and his awesomeness will live on forever - now as a micronation!

Anyways...this time, instead of a collection of his pictures, I searched all my playlists in YouTube and gathered the top 10 videos of Gilbert Bielschmidt in my two Hetalia playlists. 


Video No. 10: Mein Gott - Prussia AMV [APH]

Reason: I love this song. LOVE IT. Ever since the first time I heard Prussia's seiyuu sang it during the Hetalia Seiyuu Event 2010, -which you could watch here, around the 6th minute- I've loved it. So, with the use of Mein Gott and a collection of awesome pictures, this video wins itself the 10th rank.

Video No. 9: Hetalia - The End of Gilbert [BETA]

Reason: This won number 9 in my heart because of the deep story line that fit almost too perfectly to the dark side of Prussia.

Video No. 8: 【腐APH】私 と ワ ル ツ を【√ギル、雪 兎】

Reason: Because the video shows how much of a loving brother he was towards West before he was dissolved. It's a bit of a sad video, but I like it. :')

Video No. 7: [APH] SexyBoy♥Prussia//Nice Guys Finish Last 

Reason: It was a great mix of effects and pictures. Kudos. (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ

Video No. 6: [APH] I'm So Awesome!! - Prussia!!

Reason: Ehem, have you watched it? It's like, perfect. Dark!Prussia is so awesome. *melts*

Video No. 5: [APH] Gilbert ♥ Beilschmidt - Prussia// {WhatayaWantFromMe?} - Adam Lambert
Reason: Because of this..

Video No. 4: The Fall Of Gilbert Beilschmidt ○ Toy Soldiers. APH } 

Reason: The editing was really great! Unlike most other videos that are basically just slideshows, videos like this one really rock because they're more than just showing one picture after another. They are livid and exciting. I like it. (  = 3 =)b

Video No. 3: [APH] Gilbert ♥ Beilschmidt - Prussia // E.T - Katy Perry (Full Version) 

Reason: Awesome editing, hot pictures - what more can one fangirl say? There's a shorter version which is equally as great, but I figured Gilbert fangirls would want the longer version, wouldn't ya, gals? (  -`ω´- )

Video No. 2: [APH] I'M AWESOME - Prussia

Reason: Dude, the tittle kinda says it all. It's a hilarious AMV of Prussia and I LOVE it.

And last but not least, MY FAVOURITE...

Video No. 1: [APH] This is why Prussia is hot

Reason: This is by far, the best ever video of Prussia there is on YouTube, you have my word. This video turned Musheeroom into a Prussia fangirl. A fair warning, side effect include extreme fangirling, hard to breath-ness(?), and a loss of nose blood. Watch at own risk.

So there you have it, Prussia's birthday post. Hoped ya like!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Awesome.  ♥

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