Sunday 22 April 2012

April's ending!

Sigh, it's been a full week since I've written anything. I afraid my blogging skills might rust at this pace.. -.-

This week was full of sporting events and plenty of other activities for me. 

We had our road-run practice on Wednesday and yesterday was the real deal. I didn't run, though. But what I DID do was help out at my club's stand. We sold two types of drinks (Ocean Blue - which was basically a mix of asam boi, lemons, and blue food colouring - and another drink which contained soya, bandung and cincau), keropok lekor and popias.

I think Ocean Blue was the culprit to what made my stomach so sick today. =A=

But! All went well yesterday. We sold everything! Including the 4 batches of our blue concoction. I got to play with this cute little boy while chilling around and selling things with a classmate and my clubmate. The fact that I didn't have to run a total of 5 kilometers was just a bonus. 

Got into a fight with Musheeroom... which would be considered normal.. but not this time. 
It's just that, I know I was wrong - and I admitted it! But she was screaming in my face, and I was confused and mad because of that, so I screamed at her, too, in the midst of the rainfall and crowd bustling for shelter. I don't handle things well when anyone yells or raises their voices with me. It's my weakness - unfortunately.

Now I'm tired emotionally and physically; emotionally, because of familial problems and because I was bothered by the fight with Musheeroom and a way to say "I'm sorry" without seeming stiff or awkward. Because I know that what I did was stupid, but at the same time, I feel somewhat a mixture of angering grief that she had to be so rough about it. I'm sorry, dammit!!

Huuh... whatever. Oh, and physically since I spent the entire day making triangle bases for the 3D origami piece that I'm working on. Planning on having it as part of the gubahan project that was subjected by my new uniformed units.

Ah, which reminds me! I dropped out of the fire brigade because I was so sick and tired of the drills we had to practice at EVERY SINGLE MEET and the fact that there was no other engaging activities other than burn in the sunlight.

But that's not the best part yet.

Even though I quit the brigade because I hate the drills, I joined my sport's team's marching team. WHAT.

From my last experience with the school's marching team - which I had acquired during my first year of high school - it's not very different from the drills I learn while in the fire brigade. So, why?!

Oh, and did I mention the fire brigade teacher is also the teacher for my sport's team, too?

Speaking of sports, the winner of the road run was team Jupiter - which is represented by the colour green.

Mars - Red. Mercury - Yellow. And finally, mine: Earth - Blue.

The few things that I like about being in the blue team is that the shirt is slimming. And I don't have to wear a singlet - unlike members of the Yellow team, aka, Fafrina. Muhaha.

Tomorrow's a school day. I haven't been to school for lessons since Wednesday.

 Didn't attend on Thurday because I had to help my mother translate her part of the apple product called Siri.. or something? Meh, I don't know. 

Spent the entire day, from the peak of dawn to near Midnight sitting in front of the computer screen, typing away like a zombie slave.

And then I convinced my mother I was in dire need of rest on Friday which resulted to my absence. Ehe.

Later that Friday, I went for a visit to the TTDI pasar malam with Fafrina, Musheeroom and a classmate of mine and her brother. We had a surprisingly great time. SURPRISINGLY. Fafrina gave me lots of food.. heheh. ( =w= )

Anyways, I'm off to complete the swan origami piece. And make something for my fungian-nicknamed friend. And do something about my stomach problems. And finish reading a piece of writing by a classmate of mine. And sleep. And hope that I will live another day tomorrow. And bye-bye.



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