Wednesday 11 April 2012

Yay for unexpected holidays!

Today's a Wednesday, so naturally, school should be where I'm at. But! Thanks to a certain event that I'm not sure of in detail, everyone gets a day off today. \(^o^)/

Even so, I cannot be blinded by this short moment of rest since there's still a lot of things to do. 

For example, I have to finish writing an essay for my History project, visit the nearest pasar malam (In English, night market, I think..) and then create a folio based on the study of various things linked to said visit, finish studying the Form 1 syllabus and start doing my revision on the Form 2 and 3 syllabus. 

Then we have the Merentas Desa event (cross-country running - although, we only run for about 5kilometers at max) that I would gladly volunteer not to enter and instead, work at my club's stall. We haven't figured out exactly what to sell, but I'm liking the idea of chicken popcorn and lots and lots of products made from fresh watermelons. 

And not to mention the May test which is on the 7th and the PMR trial around June. @A@

Can you believe how fast this year is going? It's already near mid-April! (」゜ロ゜)」

Anyways, if you live in Malaysia, take today to cool off and just relax for a bit. Say, read a book, watch a movie, or do absolutely nothing at all. And if you're not in Malaysia, c'est la vie, I guess.

I'm off to join the family for a lunch out. Be back by this evening to write posts on AFKL loot, a review, and maybe first impression rant on something. Bye~


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