Wednesday 21 March 2012

Day Eight: Three turn ons.

Only three..? =A=
Nah, just kiddin'

1) Suits and ties
This is one is relevant to all of the female population's liking - at least, most. It is as they say, "A fine suit to women is what lingerie is to men". And ties, goodness me, the ties. They're like discreet leaches, don't you know? I've always wanted to pull a guy by his tie... WHICH, I will probably attempt to do someday to my future husband. Oh, how I pity the unlucky man to get stuck with me. ( -  3  -)

2) A nice scent
I love anyone who smells nice. This also applies to breaths. As for perfumes and cologne, I'd prefer if it's not overdone. But nothing beats the smell of clean laundry and/or aftershave.

3) Smiles
Smiling lifts your face and brightens others' day. But a smile is not limited to a grin, no. There are lots of smiles that are very, very smexy. For example. This.


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