Monday 19 March 2012

Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)

Here are a few of them.. :]

1) An old friend way back from kindergarten
I remember having a few awesome friends back in kindergarten. The most prominent memories I have in kindergarten mainly revolves two girls, and five boys - one of them being him. He was the most likable out of the five guys and was closer to him than the others - in the most sibling-like manner. He was like the brother I never had and acted more less like it. He was a winsome lad and remained untainted until the last time I saw him when we were 10. I remember the last day of school that year - also the last year I went to that school - and he and his mother waved and smiled goodbye at me as I walked past their car on my way home. Yes, I knew his mom - we were THAT close, haha. But the sad part is that I don't even remember his name anymore... :<

2) Fafrina
 As you probably would have noticed from all the mentions of her (and Musheeroom) in a lot of my posts that she has a big role in my life story. We didn't hit off straight away when we met, rather, it came as kind of a surprise to both parties that we'd be this close. She's mainly the only person I could really be myself and/or talk about feminine things (both present and future) and joke with without getting weird stares and forced laughter. Even though we came from different beginnings in the start, I can't imagine not being friends with her the way I am now. *cheesydesuka?*

It's a bit awkward saying this since I know she'll be reading it.. heheh..

3) Musheeroom
 Another bestie from my miniature list of friends. I've been in the same class as her since both of us stepped into this place. This year would be the fifth year. She's the one I have heated and (sometimes)irrational debates with. We argue about the most redundant of redundants (does not make sense, btw). We have different tastes in males, but compliment each others' choices very well. For example, I love Dante, whereas she likes his brother, Duncan; I love Shizuo, while she loves his brother, Kasuka. We will never clash. Unless it's for Zachary Benedict, the hottest man you will ever hope to find in a book. Period.

4) Tok
 She's my paternal grandmother. I love my grandmothers equally. But she stirs more emotions in me and much easier, too. I don't know why - maybe because she looked after me when I was little when my parents had to work. She's old now, older than my maternal grandfather even! I want to spend more time with her.

5) My uncle (whom I thought was a neighbor/cousin)
Don't know why, but he popped into my mind. I guess I don't mind putting him in the list.. See, when I was a kid, we always played together whenever I visited my maternal side of the family in Kelantan. We were like best friends, really. He was older by a year. I found out later when I was older that he was actually my uncle which came into a huge shocker. Since then, I haven't really uttered a single word or made eye contact with the guy. He's grown up now and so have I. We moved on, but the memories were fun. Thnks Fr Th Mmrs!


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