Sunday 11 March 2012

More Updates Coming Right Up!

As you may or may not know, it's after my exams and I have a week worth's of break - which is great. :3

So in this week, I hope to post a whole lot to make up for the days of absence that I'm about to go through later this year as this is the year of my taking the PMR exams. 

I don't know if I'll make it in time because usually a week goes by really fast for me. I mean, look! It's already March! 0_0

My goal is to finish all of my drafts and post them here. Most drafts are the birthday posts.

Ah, about the birthday posts... I know that it was customary that I collect huge amounts of the chara's pictures and squeeze them into one big, juicy post. However, it's getting harder to do that with my time being so limited and then there's my procrastinating habits we have to worry about... (; >_>) 

So from now on, birthday posts will either be fanfics - reader inserts, probably - fanarts or something like that. Don't worry, I'll get creative and mix it up a little for every post. I'm good at mixing things up, so I got it aaaallll covered. ( =w=)b

Also, I'm considering posting something that I wrote last year when the class went on a trip to this university. Just that it's really kinda childish so I don't know if I should. ><;

Anyways. I'm reading Perfect now. It's chapter 16 and STILL, the main charas haven't met. I'm on the edge and ripping my hairs out. MEET, DAMMIT! ( = A =)

It's about time I go to bed. I'm rambling and if I let myself continue, this post will be filled with redundant-ness that no being can bear. -_- 

Night! [END] 

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