Friday 16 March 2012

Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.

Oh, just the usual things that only exist in fiction...

1) Be sweet and chivalrous.
One of the things that I hate is rudeness - no one likes it, really. Bad boys may be attractive in movies and fiction, but in real life, nothing wins a girl's heart more than simple acts of chivalry. And this isn't only limited to your object of affection, but try to be genuinely nice to others too - especially towards the elderly, children and animals. Sweet wordings every now and then is very much appreciated, just make sure you mean them!

2) Be my best friend.
I am sort of an eccentric person, zany even! And my mood changes often. You'd need to be able to handle all that and accept it completely. Make me laugh and smile, talk with me, lend me a shoulder to cry and lean on, do me favours - and of course, I'll do the same to you. Those small, seemingly platonic things can do wonders and earn you merits. But of course, being best friends isn't limited to doing things like that... take me and Fafrina, or me and Musheeroom for example! There's a whole lot more that doing favours and laughing together. You need to open up to me as I do to you. Let me help you with your problems and don't push me away. I very much dislike being pushed away... :<

3) Cook with me.
Rather than having one of us cook for the other, I'd like it if we work team up and make a meal to share together. I've always thought of that as an extremely endearing action. And if all else fails, there's always pizza!

4) Be blunt, but tactful.
As I said before, I'm very moody and somewhat sensitive. Knowing how to maneuver me from that state makes life so much more easier for both of us and needs a great deal of strategic planning and tact. Learn how to coax and cajole, but don't use it to your own benefits! And don't beat around the bushes about things either. Just tell it straight to the face - but watch your tone and wording, since females tend to notice those more than what you're actually saying. Mostly. Hehe. 

5) Care for your loved ones.
 Nothing softens the heart of gals more than the thought that their man is one who is caring and loving. Take care of your family. Even if the only bonds you share is the blood flowing in your veins, try to be on good terms with them. Family is very important in life, remember that. Also, this shows that you are a home-bound person which is a very essential quality in the long run.

6) Make me something.
Buying my love won't do you any good; you got to earn it! What better way to show your feelings than to make something with your own two hands. It doesn't matter what it is - a homemade meal, a handwritten letter, an original(or parody) song, a picture you drew, anything. It warms one's heart to know that another cares enough to make something for them.

7) Be intelligent and playful.
Sarcasm is one of my non-existent middle names, you know? You need the wit and smarts to counter them. I just love having small, harmless banters and debates with just about anyone really - but the one who really only does this is mainly Musheeroom. And I want someone who I can have a decent intellectual conversation with - not to say that I'm all that smart, but when you're with someone with wits and knowledge, it tends to rub off onto you and that's what I'm hoping for.

In this boring reality, I'd like to goof around and enjoy life, and although I'm a bit stiff and take things waaay too seriously, I have my moments of rebellion and adventure. Helping me loosen up and have fun gives you lots of points. 

8) And lastly, be yourself.
Of all the things I hate most is deceit and pretentiousness. I always think that everyone has uniqueness in them and it would be a waste if they threw it away. Accept yourself then, and only then, can someone else genuinely accept you. Plus, I like it when people are comfortable enough around me to be able to show who they really are on the inside. It makes me feel special. (。-_-。)

I know that a lot of the above is practically extinct in real life, but hey, a girl can dream.


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