Wednesday 14 March 2012


Have I ever told you about my unreasonable dislike for creamy and white things? No? Well, I am now, so brace yer selves.

Ever since my mother stopped breast-feeding me, I have not deliberately drank milk. During the toddler years where everyone was drinking milk in the little sippy cups of theirs, I too was drinking from sippy cups and baby bottles. However, what I drank was far from any sort of dairy product but was in fact a sweet cordial mix called 'Ribena'. 

I should also tell you that that was not a very good move as I spent the rest of my childhood years with rotten teeth the shade of coal. Ugh. *^*

Other than milk and other dairy products, I also dislike anything remotely creamy in any way, be it smell,taste or touch. Certain soups are acceptable, but the more I eat the creaminess, the more I'm inclined to throw up later on.

The only few white things that I eat are mushrooms(the kind that is used for pizza toppings), rice, egg, and sometimes ice cream - if it's not too creamy. It may seems as though I am incredibly picky in food, but I'll have you know that other than these things, I can eat most [halal] things - except for olives, I hate olives. (  = 3 =)

But all that is not the point of this post. No. 
The point that is far groundbreaking than the above is...

I DRANK MILK THIS MORNING. 0_0 It was strawberry flavoured!

Musheeroom kept scolding me about my intake of calcium that ranges from low to none. She told me that I might not be able to bear children if I don't drink milk. All I can say is she chose a nice tactic. >_>

I still can't drink large amounts of dairy even when it has been flavoured. But I guess I'll have to try... FOR THE SAKE OF MY UNBORN BABY! *determined*


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