Saturday 17 March 2012

Buon Compleanno, Lovino e Feliciano Vargas♥

I'm a bit sad that although today's Italy and Romano's birthday, I couldn't do much except a quick doodle. But here they are! 

Since I haven't been completely satisfied by my dismissal of International Women's Day with just a genderbent Shizuo Heiwajima and nothing else, I'd like to add to the list of genderbent chara doodles. So here it is, Fem!Italy:

For Romano, I wanted to draw a girl too, but failed miserably. Then I changed tactics and tried a chibi and ended up with a not-so-chibi-not-so-nonchibi-either kinda thing:

He's as sour as ever. >_>

Not my best doodles, I know. Having an off day again, maybe? 
Also, I just love drawing Lovino - even if it looks bad, Lovino's really fun to draw. Look, this was what I made yesterday.

 I was experimenting with styles and thought why not give the big, unrestricted stroking a try. Obviously, it doesn't work with me, but at least I tried. *^*

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