Thursday 15 March 2012

Day Two: Nine things about yourself.

These nine things are chosed thanks to here.

1) Weaknesses:
I'd say that my biggest weakness is distrusting my intuition and believing others all too easily. My intuition is often right, but for some reason, I doubt it more than the words of people around me. I guess I'm a bit easily influenced?

2) Hobbies:
I enjoy writing and immersing myself in fiction. By writing, I mean blogging. I haven't found the guts to actually finish an actual piece of writing. And by fiction, I mean of any form - books, movies, manga, anime, music(lyrics). It provides an excellent doorway to release me from the tensions of reality.

3) Good habits:
I make sure my grammar and spelling are correct - is that a good habit? >_>
Oh, and I have this obsession with having everything shut down when not in use or is not necessary to use. I hate wasting.

4) Bad habits:
Oh, I have plenty. I don't make my bed when I wake up, I don't put my books back on the shelf and just leave them on my study table -which is why it's always cluttered. I tend to like to dwell on the past - that's a bad habit, right? The list goes on forever, really...

5) Strengths:
My bearings! I have a real good sense of direction, honest! It's one of the few things that I'm proud of.

6) Cons in knowing me:
If I'm a close enough friend of yours, I'll bug you with one hell of a lot of questions. It's another bad habit of mine, I guess - having too much curiosity.

7) Pros in knowing me:
I provide excellent company - or at least, I try to. When you have a problem, I'll be happy to be there for you, lend you a shoulder and help you solve your problem. I'll be loyal as long as you don't betray me.

8) Wishes:
My only strong wish and desire of mine that I've had since I entered high school is to have a family of my own. I mean, children and a husband. Yes, I know I'm young, but for some reason, I have a strangely feminine instinct in this aspect. I won't be searching for romance now, though. :P

9) Pet peeves:
The thing that I most dislike in the world, is a smug face of arrogance. Period.


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