Monday 5 March 2012


It's so hard..! That's what she said

Okay, ew. Hahah. = =;

Ehm, yesterday was a lazy day. I finished reading Until You, a novel by Judith McNaught, aka, Fafrina and my mother's favourite author. Then I proceeded to lie down and do virtually nothing. 

Later the afternoon, I got bored and convinced myself to let me post something with the excuse that I'm studying English for Wednesday's exam. So, for the rest of the day, I jumped from site to site as I "studied" English.

Part 4 will be out... sometime soon, I hope. Dealing with a lot of activities these days, so blogging will be limited. *shrugs*

The good news is that after my exams - which end by Friday, by the way - finish, it's school holidays for me! Yay! One whole week of pure nothingness.

And yet, I still have to study because of the PMR exam I'm taking this year. Oh, the joy.

Most probably, I won't be doing anything remotely close to fangirling activities. But c'est la vie.

Egad! It's 3PM! Where did the time go! 0A0
I must leave. Farewell~ 

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