Wednesday 14 March 2012

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.

Hm. Wait, lemme think...

1) My grandmother (fraternal side):
I'd just like to say to her that I love her and miss her a lot. Last time I went and visited her, it was really fun. I wanted to call her a few days after that, but I felt too shy to do so. I miss the olden days where I could show my affection with ease.

2) A-chan (an old friend from OtakuZone):
I want to say to her that it was really nice to have met you and that I'm sorry for my sudden disappearance from the site. I want you to know that it was a pleasure to have been friends with you and that may our awesome army reign supreme! And by the way, how's Joe doing? xD

3) My only male cousin of the same age:
To him, I'd probably say something about his vast changes during puberty. I still can't believe how his voice sounds like. It seems like just yesterday we were playing together in each others' front porch, and having arguments on how Ultraman is pronounced. I miss those days and feel a bit melancholic each time I see a picture of all of us back in the day.

4) A friend of mine when I was 10:
If I had the chance to talk to her, I'd probably keep quiet about this... I'd say that I appreciate your friendship while it lasted and I'm sorry that I didn't turn out to be the girl cool enough to be your friend. It would have been better if you had told me straight to the face how you felt, and not stab me behind the back when I'm not looking. All in all, it was great having you beside me during the short time that we were friends.  

5) My old neighbour who moved to another state:
I'd mention to her how much fun it was going to her house and played together as we did when she was here. I'd thank her for all the precious moments we shared, and for sticking by me even when I knew I was a bit... off? It was really unfortunate to have you move.. each time I pass your empty ex-house, I get reminded of our times together which I'll treasure always.

6) The person who planned our History Folio project:
I'd like to say to you, mister, that you have chosen the wrong topic. I'd like him(or her) to know that the project is too hard and virtually impossible for most kids. Have you not have any idea how we are? We are kids, and the people we need to meet are most likely against the idea of wasting their time on our flippy-dippy interviews.

7) Another old friend who left when I was 9:
If I were the same person I was a few years ago, I'd have raged about how you left without telling me anything and about you not keeping our promises. But now that I'm older - therefor, wiser?- I feel like laughing. Our claims on how we'd go to the same school and work at the same places and how we would sacrifice everything in order to make that happen were all too outrages that I could burst into a fit of giggles right this moment. You were a real great friend. Even though you went away, abandoning me and our 3-year friendship without word, I forgive you. But you still owe me RM3!

8) Amonderevex:
To Amon, I want to thank a million thanks for all the things you've done to us utattemita fans. You had posted videos of great quality and allowed us to enjoy the pleasure of listening to our favourite singers with such an easy click of a button. It was great having you around. You deserve the tittle as one of the best YouTuber in my heart. Good luck in your life and I wish you your success. :)

9) Dante (PDSKabushikiGaisha):
Dante!! Why did you bleach your hair?! T^T
I loved your regular brown hair that fits you perfectly... And it's not so much that I'm displeased by your now blond hair, it's just that you bleached your eyebrows (eye hair xD) too! Now you look like you have no eyebrows! *^*
But even with all that, I still love you and respect your decision... BUT WHY?!

10) My neighbour who lives two doors away from mine:
To you, I'd ask how much you know. I mean, I know you know about what I knew you knew ever since 2 years back. I'm still suspicious whether or not you have told people or not and why. Also, I know you know a whole lot about me and my habits (singing in the shower and fangirling - squeals and extreme giggling) and I'd appreciate if you didn't pay attention to those. And another thing, please refrain from bringing your friends to your house. It makes me feel awkward when I have to leave the house and restricts me from fangirling and/or singing aloud.  


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