Saturday 10 March 2012

Happy Birthday, Kid!

So, to the fellow fans of Soul Eater, y'all probably - and should - know that today's a special day for one of our charas in the series. As a tribute to his birthday, this is Death the Kid's birthday post by ME! Wahaha!

 Now, originally I wanted to write something, say... a short reader insert with him as the male protagonist. However, since I have yet to finish watching the whole series, I thought I didn't have the right qualifications. So in the end, I went with a fanart. 

It came out nicer than I expected and took me a short amount of time too! ( ´ ∀`
I had this as a reference, by the way. I tried to keep the design as close as the original as possible.

So, Happy Birthday to our favourite double-gunned neurotic! May symmetry reign supreme!

...Gasp! My blog's not symmetrical! Σ(゜ロ゜;)


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