Saturday 17 March 2012

Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

1) Blog posts
 I would never have expected me being so dedicated to this blogging thing. Nowadays, random blog posts ideas pop up into my head so often that I'm thinking of making myself an idea book to keep all the ideas organized because it'd be a waste if the golden ideas go to waste thanks to me weak memory span.

2) Plot bunnies
 Sometimes, at the most unsuspecting time ever, a little bunny trots on over to my head like it owns the place and leaves like it's nobody's business. I can never seem to capture them, though. Those bunnies. s(・`ヘ´・;)ゞ

3) My future
 I worry a lot about what would happen in the near future of mine. It's more dizzying since I can't imagine myself being anything else but a student, and later, a wife and mother. Eugh. My womanly instincts are too strong. Help. 

4) Relationships
 Don't go and get the wrong idea, fellas. By relationships, I mean lots of things - mostly friendships and family ties. Nowadays, I'm becoming more concerned about these two kinds of relationships I have. And the more I think about it, the more I could imagine how it could end. I don't want that. T^T

5) Hetalia and other Fandoms
 At inappropriate times, I remember certain things and that leads me to wanting to crack up during a serious speech or blushing(well, sort of) while solving a maths problems. This happens often during the exams when I finish the papers and there's still some time left. 

6) Problems
 I'm a worrier. I worry a lot, constantly. It doesn't matter if it's a serious one or not, unless I figure out a way to solve it, my mind won't be at peace.

7) My past
This doesn't really need an explanation; it kind of just self-explanatory. I know dwelling in the past is bad, but some of the memories I have are too sweet to not remember. It's a habit, maybe? > 3 >


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